If the first three shows are any indication, the 2018-2019 Broadway Season is going to be a good one! I went back to Head Over Heels a week after my first visit, and it's safe to say that I'm absolutely obsessed with it.

I loved Head Over Heels even more the second time, for many reasons. First of all the music. I didn't know any of the Go-Go's music going in the first time, but I was really into it the second time, partly because it's so much fun and serves the story very well. Second, the choreography. The ensemble is probably one of the hardest working ensembles on Broadway, and they absolutely kill the choreography. Not only that, but it's incredibly clever and shows a variety of dance styles that all seem to work incredibly well in the story.
Next, the acting and the singing. Every single actor is perfect for their part and to top it off, they sing the songs of the Go-Go's so well. It's pretty incredible to watch, and you really forget that they're acting while you get sucked into the magical world of Arcadia.
I really can't recommend Head Over Heels enough. The message of acceptance is absolutely beautiful and very timely. If you can, RUN to the Hudson Theatre to see it. You won't regret it in the slightest.