Gettin' The Band Back Together is a totally original musical, something that seems to be a rarity on Broadway at the moment, as noted by producer Ken Davenport during his pre-show speech. And, he's right! So many shows are now based off of movies or books, so it's refreshing to go into a show with no prior knowledge of what it's about.
Gettin The Band.. is set in Sayreville, NJ as Mitch (Mitchell Jarvis) returns home after being fired and decides to reunite his high school band after being threatened by his old high school rival. After recruiting his friends, plus one new member, Mitch and the rest of Juggernaut decide to compete against their arch rivals, proving it's never to late to give up on your dreams.
The music is catchy and the show itself is irreverent and genuinely funny, without trying too hard. While not all the songs are particularly memorable, they work well together and none of them are bad. The creative team truly created a good score that can hold it's own on Broadway. The book is clever, and as previously mentioned, it's quite funny! While I knew it was a comedy, I was pleased to see that it doesn't take itself to seriously (as some comedies can) and that all the characters are well fleshed out.
While good, the show will certainly need people to tell their friends about it in order for it to thrive. If you're a comedy fan you will certainly enjoy it, and if you like original musicals you will definitely be interested. Just about anybody can enjoy it and I can almost guarantee that you will have a good time and be dancing in your seat.